Campaign videos

Our Goal

Blackwells wants to ensure that Disney has the right minds around the boardroom table, making decisions that will benefit all shareholders for decades to come.

VIDEO | 03.01.2024

Unless Disney thinks like a tech company, it won’t be valued like a tech company.

VIDEO | 02.29.2024

trian's misguided campaign

VIDEO | 02.29.2024

Disney's Governance Issues

VIDEO | 02.28.2024

Blackwells' vision for the future of media and content at Disney

VIDEO | 02.28.2024

Blackwells' vision for the future of technology at Disney

VIDEO | 02.27.2024

Disney needs to think like a tech company

VIDEO | 02.27.2024

We believe all Disney shareholders deserve access to the same information

VIDEO | 02.26.2024

Blackwells comments on Disney nominees and other campaign highlights

VIDEO | 02.23.2024

Jason Aintabi on Nelson Peltz’s endorsements


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